Seed Investments

Identifying, building and investing in life science startups

What we do

We identify, build and invest in innovative startup companies in the Nordic region founded on strong science, with the ultimate goal of developing products that can transform patient treatment.

Søren Møller,

“Through our hands-on approach, we ensure that promising projects and startup companies have the optimal conditions for success.”

Søren Møller,

Managing Partner, Seed Investments

Strategy - From startup to exit

We provide capital, network and know-how to transform promising life-science discoveries into successful biotech startups.

We focus on company creation and building biotech startups in the Nordic region. Seed Investments aims to develop strong and competitive companies that we finance all the way to a commercial exit.

By the end of 2023, Seeds Investments’ Assets portfolio consisted of 36 companies. Most of the portfolio consists of private investments, valued at DKK 3.5 billion at year end, 41% higher than at the end of 2022. 

Seed Investments key figures

500 m

Assets under Management by the end of 2023


Number of portfolio companies


Deployed in 2023

Go to annual report

Our Seed Investments Portfolio


Meet our team

Seed Investments is comprised of a team of investment professionals that are dedicated to working with scientists and entrepreneurs to build successful biotech companies.

Latest Seed Investments' news and reports