Jeppe Christiansen
Board of Directors
Board Member
Member of the Board since 2009.
Jeppe Christiansen was born in 1959 and is a Danish national. He received an MSc in Economics from the University of Copenhagen.
Jeppe Christiansen has over 35 years of experience in fund and investment management across the financial industry. From 1986 to 1988, Jeppe Christiansen worked as an economist in Sparekassen SDS. He joined LD Pensions in 1988 where he became Head of Fund Management and later transitioned to Executive Vice President, responsible for investments. From 1998 to 2004, Jeppe Christiansen was Executive Director in Danske Bank with responsibility for group equity business and corporate international banking. From 2004 and until 1 April 2009, he was CEO of Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond (LD). In 2005, Jeppe Christiansen established Maj Invest and has been CEO of the Maj Invest group since the establishment.
Other Board Positions and Management Duties:
CEO, Maj Invest Holding A/S and Executive Director in two wholly owned subsidiaries, Denmark
Chair of the Board, Haldor Topsøe A/S, Denmark
Chair of the Board, EMLIKA Holding ApS, and two wholly owned subsidiaries of the latter company, Denmark
Chair of the Board, JEKC Holding ApS, Denmark
Board Member, KIRKBI A/S, United Shipping & Trading Company, Pluto Naturfonden, Randers Regnskov, Denmark
Board Member, BellaBeat Inc., United States
Member of the Board of Governors, Det Kgl. Vajsenhus, Denmark
Adjunct Professor of Finance, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark